Find Your Next Star Employee

Struggling to find the best personnel for your vacation rental business? Vacation Rental Career makes it easy to advertise, screen, and interview candidates, all in one user-friendly place.

Vacation Rental Career

Sign Up

The first thing you need to do is sign up for an account. It’s a simple process, all you need is your email address and a couple of other details and you can start listing straight away.

Write Your Post

Next, you need to start building your post. Fill out key information like location, salary, and duties, as well as any required experience, education, or skills, and then give it a title. We will use this information to target candidates and make sure that your listing shows up in the correct search categories, so make sure to be as clear and concise as possible.

Start Recruiting

Once you are happy with your post, submit it to the Vacation Rental Career platform. Any responses from candidates will be held in your profile, or you can choose to have them sent to your email if that is easier for you. You can use the platform to easily sort through resumes, send messages to candidates, and schedule interviews.

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